New Arrivals
Arriving in a new country can be a daunting experience, especially if you have been through trauma and loss. Our welcome services aim to reach out to people when they are most isolated. We offer a range of support to newly arrived refugee families and individuals in order to help them feel welcomed.
We offer a range of opportunities for refugees, asylum seekers and local people to come together in a shared space, to take part in activities, learn from each other and build friendships through sports, arts, wellbeing, cultural visits and community meals.
We want to enable people to rebuild their lives and begin to thrive in their new home. We listen to what they need and design training and programmes to help people achieve their goals.
Through becoming a volunteer with this project, I am more aware of those struggling to speak English and integrate generally and I’m more aware of the differences in peoples’ circumstances.’
The Meeting Place English Volunteer
At the heart of the Meeting place we encourage and foster welcoming and inclusive communities which are based on ideas of integration. Integration, in contrast to assimilation, is focused on facilitating the process new members of a community, including immigrants, refugees, people moving from reserves and others parts of the province or country, experience beyond settlement to become part of their new communities.