The Families Learning Together project fondly known as the Meeting Place is a unique, innovative, creative and collaborative program to bridge the gaps in community and bring people together. The program offer life skills on a range of issues, from money management to mental health, which bring people together and help them to help themselves. We take a holistic view of our community and try to provide for the whole person and every aspect of their wellbeing.

The Meeting Place is a welcoming space for people of all ages, genders and ethnicities to come together, stay safe and active and feel included and valued.

At the Meeting Place we offer services to the diverse community, focusing particularly, through our activities, on Education and Training, Communication and Presentation, Health and Wellbeing, Social Inclusion and Community Cohesion

At the Meeting Place, through a whole range of group activities we help to alleviate social isolation and loneliness.

The Meeting Place reaches out to everyone including those excluded from learning to come and learn or improve their language and other skills.  We build the capacities of people from other countries, together with the indigenous communities, through wellbeing and skill based activities and creating opportunities for people to engage with the local community.

The Meeting Place Family 

 At the Meeting Place we understand that everyone needs to feel like they are a part of a group, family, or community. It is our connection and ties with others that not only provide us with our identity but also some semblance of meaning and purpose, while loneliness, social isolation, deprivation, unemployment, debt, poor housing, ill health, lack of opportunities   and living alone can harm our health.

The Meeting Place offers a place where everyone can come together in a safe space. People of all ages, all backgrounds, and all cultures are made to feel extremely welcome.

Happiness and a sense of belonging

At The Meeting Place our approach is to make people happy and the way to effectively do that is to address all those things that make them unhappy. It speaks to one of the things that the Meeting Place do best which is provide a safe and caring place where everyone belongs, regardless of skin colour, age, sexual preference, income level or any myriad of attributes. No one is excluded.

Every Individual Matters

Here at the Meeting Place we are united in the belief that the people we serve are encouraged to participate in efforts not only to improve their lives, but also that of the communities in which they live. We strongly believe that everyone we serve has precious gifts to offer which, when harnessed, are an integral part of the path to improving every aspect of people’s lives benefitting both individuals and communities as a whole.

At the Meeting Place we together with our community partners create and deliver initiatives and programs that lead to positive community connections which enhance a sense of community belonging, social inclusion, safety, decreased stress, and increased sense of every single person being a valuable member of society.

At the Meeting Place we understand that vital communities are characterised by strong, active, and inclusive relationships between community and private sector, public sector, and civil society organisations that work to foster individual and collective happiness. Vital communities are those that are able to cultivate and marshal these relationships in order to create, adapt and thrive in the changing world.

The Meeting Place is as an environment that allows people to come together socially, where novelty, conversation and interaction occur. It is a neutral place away from home and work where people feel comfortable. It ensures social inclusion in terms of membership/participation. It is a place that stimulates connection with others.


The meeting Place is Your Place, your space and a place where everyone belongs 

  • The Meeting Place is a place of learning which enables the community to acquire the knowledge, skills and confidence necessary to play an active and productive role, both personally and societally.
  • The Meeting Place inspires communities to learn and grow together while making sense of experiences through group activities, reflection and peer support, with a focus on initiating change and moving forward.
  • The Meeting Place connects people to people, and people to services in order build vital communities where everyone feels they belong.
MTC Learning